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Shakuntala Devi: Human Computer

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Shakuntala Devi: Human Computer

Shakuntala Devi, also known as the human-computer, was hailed from a Hindu Brahmin family within Bangalore. She was born on 1929 November 4th. At the age of just three years, her capability of memorizing numbers was discovered by her father. Her father quit a circus company, where he used to work, and offered route shows highlighting his daughter's talent in calculating. Shakuntala Devi happened to prove her mathematical capacities at the University of Mysore right at the age of 6. After that, she happened to move to London with her dad in 1944.

Shakuntala Devi happened to attain a universal saman reputation when she happened to demonstrate her capability to multiply any random two numbers of 13 digits. She had mentally multiplied 7,686,369,774,870 × 2,465,099,745,779 on 18 June 1980 and provided the authorities with the right answer 18,947,668,177,995,426,462,773,730. She did this in just 28 seconds. This was one of her excellent skills and since then she was known as the human-computer.

Later, Shakuntala Devi also authored various writers and highlighted her wisdom with the help of books on mathematics puzzles and astrology. Shakuntala Devi made India proud in the globe by successfully securing a position in the Guinness Book of World records due to her intellectual talents in mathematics. She was a motivational speaker who happened to enlighten the lives of various individuals towards the subject.

Speaking of her personal life, Shakuntala Devi had married Paritosh Banerjee and had a daughter with him. She was a mathematician who was globally acclaimed and happens to be a wonder whose journey needs to be heard by parents as well as students.

People realized her mathematical talents when she was 5 years old and hence regarded her as a child prodigy. Being an expert in complex mental arithmetic calculations she happened to win people's hearts throughout the world. She had a passion for expanding human capacity and it led her into developing a concept called mind dynamics. People also praised her as an authentic heroine and she would rule the headlines of magazines and newspapers back then. It was known that she had outperformed the quickest computers during that time.

Though Shakuntala Devi never loved the title human-computer, her capabilities were witnessed by people and hence she got the title. She also happened to project her talents in the BBC channel during October 1950. According to her, the human mind has the potential and enhanced capabilities as compared to the computer. Therefore, she would not like it appropriate when it comes to comparing the human mind with machines.

Shakuntala Devi's story needs to be heard by every youth along with their parents. It is one of those inspiring stories that can make students want to learn more and step into the world of mathematics. Not only that, but students can also unleash their mental capabilities by knowing such an inspirational story.